lunar aspect

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Anaphoria: Footpaths and Trade Routes

The people of Anaphoria are pleased that both some of their oldest and newest music appears on this first piece of vinyl made available in a limited edition from ini.itu We are grateful for their extreme effort and care in making this possible. Two excerpts available here. Complete press release available from this page.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Quiet Erow/The Premiere Shadow Play from Anaphoria

The Shadow Theatre of Anaphoria in association with Playscript presents their first Australian performances

[new and improved]
Fri and Sat. 8pm
Oct 9 &10,16 &17
at the Bushland Chapel 94 Parkes Street Helenburgh
The Story of an Anaphorian Prenatal "Robin Hood"
starring Kraig Grady [director], Seth Harris, Mark Kennedy, Hamish Lane, Terumi Narushima, Friederike Krishnabhakdi-Vasilakis, and others
Bookings 4294 1695
more information 61 2 4271 4397

more images

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today I wish one could break out of categories. What opens a door on inception quickly becomes cemented into a partisan camp. Kandinsky was quite articulate at how the fertilizing ray transforms into the obstructing hand. The period in which this happens has quickened. An open door quickly locks those in it rooms into a state on what they will not venture beyond or worthy of being open to.
Sound exist in space only till it ends when it is no longer present in one, yet our lingering perception of it fills the total space dimension we are taking in at that moment. Hence it becomes a ‘totality’ and universal. It fades but fades into everything as an inseparable quality now dormant but eternal. It is this space/non-space I want to deal with directly beyond the prisons of style and categories.