lunar aspect

Showing posts with label empty cage/LA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label empty cage/LA. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2008

Post LA/Empty Cage Ouartet/ To blog on a blog

Here is one of the things I miss about LA. This is funny since only the bass player Ivan lives there. They started there though and is where I would see them. I was always was impressed how they could come together after months and in a few days be this tight. This small cut of this group hides what a performance of theirs would do. I remember one time feeling as if I had witnessed the entire history of the jazz quartet reemerge in front of me. Working with Kris Tiner was always a treat too. I remember one time over at my house and him tuning his trumpet to my vibraphone. Which he could do. At one point we were playing on just a pentatonic and his playing brought me to tears. I had to leave the room. Few players have ever been able to do that to me. Jason I played with only once armed with the flute you see here with myself on organ. It was phenomenal and I regret our paths did not cross more. Same with the other two I had not the pleasure. This tip of an iceberg captured one evening as rough as it is. Kris says more is coming so keep looking on his blog. Regardless I hope people will grab themselves a good chunk of their music for themselves, regardless of where they are coming from. Yes I miss this.